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What’s Up With WhatsApp Proxies? How to Use A WhatsApp Proxy

In the early days of old, staying connected meant trusting a team of horses pulling a stagecoach across the country to deliver a handwritten letter. Later on, with the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, it meant picking up the receiver and relying on a switchboard operator to connect you to whomever you wished to speak with. Fast forward to the mid-2000s, and the internet enabled global communication to happen as fast as you could type something up using your keyboard. Today, we simply have an app for that. We call it WhatsApp—the cross-platform mobile messaging system.

Serving 2 billion users worldwide as of February 2020, Whatsapp is certainly no slouch in the instant messaging world. Even so, there remain places around the globe where the acceptance and integration of WhatsApp into society still fall behind the times. So, how do you ensure you always have access to WhatsApp regardless of where you are in the world? The answer is you use a WhatsApp proxy.

Read on to learn just what a WhatsApp proxy is how to take your WhatsApp experience to the next level by unlocking a whole new world of staying connected.

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What’s Up with a WhatsApp Proxy?

Before I dive into discussing the many ways how you can use WhatsApp proxies to your benefit, I should say a word about exactly what a WhatsApp proxy is. A proxy is a specialized network server that can be used to conceal one’s IP address from the internet and the websites he or she visits. This is possible because of how—or rather, where—a proxy connects to the internet. See, when you open your web browser and begin to search the internet, every new search you make and every web page you visit makes a connection to your computer. Your device, whether a desktop computer or mobile smartphone or tablet, then shares its digital network address—or IP address—so that the site you’re requesting information from can properly deliver that information to you. In this normal manner of online communication between your computer and the internet, the internet (and anyone else who may be observing your online activity) knows exactly where the request is originating from and who is making it. In other words, it knows who you are.

Using a proxy is a bit different, however. Instead of the internet communicating back and forth with your device directly, your proxy will act as your liaison, taking your requests and making them on your behalf. Because the internet only ever deals with your proxy, it only ever recognizes the proxy’s IP address—meaning you stay perfectly anonymous and hidden from the prying eyes of the internet’s privacy pirates and advertising engines.

Depending on how you intend to use your proxies, you can also gain additional advantages that’ll further increase the freedom and enjoyment of your online experiences. In the next sections, we’ll cover some of these key aspects concerning using a proxy for WhatsApp.

Bypassing Restricted Access via WhatsApp Proxies

Even with its mobile-friendly technology, WhatsApp’s messaging system is still localized within a single app. That can create challenges for you to stay connected, especially when trying to market your content to a wider audience in today’s social media maelstrom. Luckily, there’s a way around this problem. All you need is a few WhatsApp proxies.

Indeed, one of the best advantages of using multiple WhatsApp proxies is the ability to create multiple WhatsApp accounts. This is possible thanks to a proxy’s ability to hide your IP address from the internet and sharing its own in its place. Having multiple proxies with differing IPs means you can create multiple accounts without being blocked or outright banned by WhatsApp’s account restrictions.

A proxy for WhatsApp will even get you passed any account bans that you may have been placed against you. Simply swap your proxy out for a different one (it’s a good idea to have several for this very reason) and you’ll be able to access the WhatsApp app just as you normally would.

A WhatsApp proxy is also great for bypassing geo-restricted content, such as when traveling to a country where WhatsApp is blocked. This can be especially useful when traveling to Middle Eastern or Asian countries where social messaging platforms are highly regulated by the state government. Because a proxy can originate a request from a different location than that of where you actually are, the local network never recognizes that the requests are coming from outside—or within—the restricted region. Therefore, after using a proxy to bypass network restrictions for WhatsApp, web blocked content then becomes accessible as if the app were never blocked in the first place.

Scraping Data Using a Proxy for WhatsApp

Ever wonder how you could analyze your WhatsApp account performance without spending hours of excruciatingly tedious manual data collection? Well, you’re in luck because a WhatsApp proxy can help you with that. You simply need to perform a bit of web scraping.

Web scraping is the process of extracting information from a web page and compiling it into a condensed, organized manner for later evaluation. The nature of the data you can scrape is virtually limitless. You can scrape for market insights regarding product research and performance, site user trends, review and comment analysis, and even monitor and compare prices between products from different competitors. WhatsApp web scraping furthermore provides you insights on how to improve your account’s popularity and how to correct marketing campaigns or active content that isn’t performing to the level you want it to.

To do this, one of the key components of this process is to enlist the use of a Rayobyte’s Web Scraping API which will automatically and incredibly quickly compile the data you request for you. However, because many websites dislike their data being mined without their permission, they put in place bot blocking protocols to identify and block any unusual activity that actual humans couldn’t perform. A blocked bot means you’re dead in the water without any data to analyze.

This is where your WhatsApp proxies come into play.

As your bot works, it’ll undoubtedly be caught by WhatsApp’s bot blocking protocols. When that happens, the IP address used by the bot will be blocked. However, having a massive number of proxies—from a couple hundred to several thousand depending on the size of the scraping project—enables the bot to quickly switch proxies (ergo, IP addresses) and continue scraping.

WhatsApp web scraping responsibly

In the words of Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben, “With great power, comes great responsibility.”

While scraping web pages for insights on how users interact with particular sites is something widely acceptable and incredibly valuable to website owners being able to make their content more visible to people across the world, there is a line that must never be crossed. Scraping public data from a website, such as the number of unique daily visits, length of stay, or whether or not someone liked, saved, or bought something from the sight is all well and fine. Every online analyst and web marketer has done this. Data scraping social media groups is a great example of this approach.

What is always off-limits is people’s personal data. No one wants their thoughts and personal messages stolen and subsequently shared with or sold to complete strangers who may or may not use that information with harmless intent. After all, would you want that to happen to you?

Having a proxy for accessing WhatsApp is an incredible privilege. Ensuring that that privilege is enjoyed responsibly guarantees not only you have the best online experience, but everyone else does as well.

How to Use WhatsApp Behind a Proxy

Now that you’ve learned all about the multitude of ways you can use WhatsApp proxies to enhance your mobile messaging app experience, it’s time to help you actually use them. If you’ve tried using proxies in the past but had no idea how to correctly set them up, don’t get discouraged. There’s no reason to quit using WhatsApp over proxy setting frustrations. Besides, we’re here to make your life easier and get you back online in no time.

Your first step in using your WhatsApp proxies is ensuring that you bought them from a trusted provider. We mention this because using proxies from a less than reliable source, or worse, installing free public proxies, is a recipe for personal disaster. Public proxies especially put you at risk of having your personal data stolen by hackers and identity thieves who often use the lure of free proxies to prey on unsuspecting victims. It’s best to stick with purchasing your proxies from a trusted source, even if it costs you a bit up front.

Once you’ve confirmed that your proxies are safe, you need to install them on your computer. Depending on which web browser you prefer, this will look a bit different. There are a couple of general ideas to keep in mind, though. First, check that your proxies and operating system are compatible. Having one or the other not meet the other’s level of performance will likely lead to unreliable performance and mean you aren’t getting the best return on your investment.

Second, be sure that you know what type of proxy you’re using. This not only helps you understand how your proxies operate, but also how to refer to them in the setup process. Several web browsers will ask you to specify the type of WhatsApp proxy you’re wanting to use. For example, when configuring WhatsApp desktop proxy settings for Windows in the Firefox browser, you’ll need to denote your proxy as a WhatsApp SOCKS proxy, HTTP proxy, etc.

If you want a complete guide to installing your WhatsApp proxies, check out our blog on setting up proxies on your favorite browsers here. For now, though, we’ll be covering how to set up a WhatsApp proxy on the most common operating systems—your mobile devices.

WhatsApp proxy Android Setup

Configuring your WhatsApp Android proxy settings begins by opening your “Android System Settings.” Next, tap “Network & Internet” from the drop-down menu. Your next step will be to select “Mobile network,” followed by clicking “Advanced,” and then “Access Point Names.” This will display the APN you are currently using. Click to edit, and then enter the IP address and port number of the proxy you want to use, as well as that proxy’s username and password authentication credentials. Be sure to save your changes before exiting.

After exiting, turn off and once more turn on your mobile data. Next, open your mobile device’s web browser and provide any authentication info needed if and when prompted to log-in and begin using your WhatsApp proxy.

WhatsApp proxy iPhone Setup

Setting up your proxy for WhatsApp on iPhone and other mobile Apple devices is even simpler than Android. To start, open your iPhone “Settings” app. Continue by going to the “Wi-Fi” connections tab. If you aren’t already connected to a network, connect to a trusted Wi-Fi network. After you’ve successfully connected, click on the “info” icon ( (i) ) and scroll down to where you see “Configure Proxy.” Tap on it and then select “Manual” for manual configuring of a proxy. Toggle “Authentication” on and enter your proxy username and password. Finally, hit “Save” and you’re all set to begin browsing using your new WhatsApp proxy!

How to Use a WhatsApp Proxy—The Right Way

So, do you want to know the right way to use a WhatsApp proxy? Why just as you’d normally use the internet of course!

See, for all its dynamic uses, a WhatsApp proxy is quite simple to use in your daily life. Once it’s set up, you can honestly surf the web like any other time you have in the past. The only difference now is that your proxies will provide you the added protection from online threats, give you greater access to restricted content worldwide, and help you effectively analyze and market your account content. Oh, and also offer you substantially more privacy while going about your online activity, too.

And again, please use WhatsApp proxies wisely and responsibly. Proxies are incredible tools that can open a whole new world of data insights and online freedom for you. Managing that freedom and power with tact and moral forethought, however, should always be at the top of mind. Such usage ensures that you and everyone else enjoy the best online experience possible.

Wrapping Up

Mobile apps like WhatsApp have made instant messaging easier than ever these days. With modern technology shared the world over right at our fingertips, that should also mean accessing these types of platforms is even easier. Thankfully, a WhatsApp proxy is specifically designed to accomplish this.

We hope that you learned something new and informative about the importance of having WhatsApp proxies at your disposal. Keeping these tricks and ideas in mind as you stay connected with and around the world will enable you to enjoy the internet to the fullest. So, the next time you hear someone asking about WhatsApp proxies, you’ll be able to tell them exactly what’s up with them without missing a beat.

The information contained within this article, including information posted by official staff, guest-submitted material, message board postings, or other third-party material is presented solely for the purposes of education and furtherance of the knowledge of the reader.

All trademarks used in this publication are hereby acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.


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When you buy a proxy from us, you’re getting the real deal.

Kick-Ass Proxies That Work For Anyone

Rayobyte is America's #1 proxy provider, proudly offering support to companies of any size using proxies for any ethical use case. Our web scraping tools are second to none and easy for anyone to use.

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