Proxy Codes Errors: What They Mean And How To Fix Them

Are you trying to secure your web scraping sessions but are running into frustrating proxy status errors that affect your productivity? If so, you’re not alone. But understanding what proxy codes mean can make a significant difference in troubleshooting them successfully.

This guide will dive deep into the ins and outs of identifying and resolving proxy status errors, arming you with everything you need to get back up and running without a hitch.

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What Is a Proxy Server, and Why Do I Need One When Scraping?

What Is a Proxy Server, and Why Do I Need One When Scraping?

A proxy server is an intermediary between the user and a web server, which is what most websites run on. The proxy acts as an agent for the user, requesting data from the web server on their behalf. This helps protect both the user and the website by ensuring that requests are genuine and valid. This added security is essential when scraping data from websites.

Using a proxy server while scraping also allows you to switch out IP addresses to avoid a website blocking you. This is especially important if you need to scrape data from multiple websites quickly.

What Are Proxy Status Code Errors?

What Are Proxy Status Code Errors?

Proxy status code errors indicate that the proxy server encountered an issue when trying to access a particular website. These errors can range from issues with the proxy itself to problems with the website or server it is attempting to access. It is important to understand these proxy codes so that you can correct them and continue web scraping successfully.

Proxy code status errors provide insight into what’s wrong with a particular request. Without knowing what the problem is, it would be impossible to identify and fix the issue. The most common status proxy codes are:

  • 400 (Bad Request)
  • 401 (Unauthorized)
  • 403 (Forbidden)
  • 404 (Not Found)
  • 500 (Internal Server Error)
  • 503 (Service Unavailable)

Using a proxy server with a high uptime rate may minimize the risk of encountering these errors.

Status Code Classes

Status Code Classes

Status codes are a set of standardized messages used by the webserver to communicate the status of an HTTP request. These codes represent a wide variety of errors and successes and are divided into five major categories. The following are common status codes typically encountered while using a proxy server.

1xx: Informational status code

The 1xx class of status codes is informational. It signifies that the request received was valid and understood, but the server requires additional information before it can fulfill the request. They are most often used to describe the initial processing of a request. Some examples are:

100 Continue

This occurs when a server sends back an interim response to indicate the reception and acceptance of the initial part of the request. This status code is useful for web scraping, as it lets the client know that the server has accepted their request. The 100 Continue status code is an HTTP code, and the client must acknowledge that the server has accepted their request before sending further data.

101 Switching Protocols

This status code indicates that a proxy server received an HTTP request that requires the web scraping process to switch protocols. This usually occurs when the proxy server does not support the request or the server does not support the protocol. Common causes of this error include invalid URLs, incorrect request methods, or missing authentication headers.

To resolve this issue, check the URL and ensure the request method is correct. If there is a requirement for authentication headers, double-check that they are properly added to the HTTP request.

2xx: Success status code

2xx status codes indicate a successful request. Commonly seen 2xx proxy codes include:

200 OK

The 200 OK code status means the proxy server’s request was received, understood, accepted, and processed successfully.

201 Created

The HTTP status code 201 Created response occurs when a client sends a POST request to the server. The 201 Created status code notifies the client that their request to create a resource was clearly received and immediately created.

203 Nonauthoritative Information

203 Nonauthoritative Information is a status code returned by an HTTP server when the requested resource was successfully fetched, but the response was modified from the original version by a proxy. This means the resource is not authoritative and may not be accurate or up-to-date.

It is important to note that 203 Nonauthoritative Information does not mean the content of the response is necessarily wrong. It simply indicates the content may have been modified or altered by an intermediary and is not original. Since this status code does not indicate a problem with the requested resource, it is up to the client to verify the accuracy of any responses they receive.

204 No Content

This code status indicates that the server has successfully processed and accepted a request, but there is no content to return. This is often seen when web scraping from dynamic pages, where the content changes from time to time. 204 No Content indicates the server has accepted the request and the content is up to date.

3xx: Redirection status code

The 3xx class indicates the client should take further action to fulfill their request. These proxy codes are often seen when a client requests an outdated URL and needs redirection to the new one. Common 3xx proxy codes include:

300 Multiple Choices

The server has multiple options for the resource requested. The user agent (browser) must choose one of the offered options. This code typically provides the user with a list of available resources or services related to the requested resource. It can also indicate that the server does not have an appropriate resource for the request and offers alternative resources instead.

301 Moved Permanently

This code occurs when the requested resource has been permanently moved to a new location. The user agent (browser) should automatically redirect to the new location. This code is often used when a website has undergone a significant update or redesign and the URLs changed.

302 Found

This code appears when the requested resource has temporarily moved, and the user agent (browser) should automatically redirect to the new location. This code often indicates that the web page was temporarily removed or disabled, but the content is still accessible through a different URL. It can also appear when a website’s content has been temporarily moved to a test server for development or maintenance.

303 See Other Resource

303 errors indicate the server wants the user agent (browser) to look for an alternative resource either through redirection or by providing the user with a list of available resources related to the requested resource. This code is often used when a website has multiple versions of the same page or has been replaced.

304 Not Modified

This code means there has been no modification to the requested resource since the last request. The web server does not need to send a new response, and the browser can use the copy stored in its cache. This can improve web performance, as it allows browsers to access resources from their local cache instead of downloading the same content repeatedly. All these actions occur automatically.

4xx: Client error status code

The 4xx class of status codes communicates an unsuccessful request due to a client error. These are the most common types of proxy code errors that occur when the proxy server cannot handle the request or receives invalid data. Common 4xx proxy codes include:

400 Bad Request

This indicates that the proxy server encountered a problem while trying to fulfill the request. It means there was something wrong with either the syntax of the request or the proxy server could not understand it. This error usually occurs when a user attempts to access an irrelevant resource or a website without the correct authorization credentials. A proxy misconfiguration can also lead to a 400 bad request error.

Clearing the cache and cookies and ensuring the URL is correctly typed can help solve the 400 Bad Request error. It is also important to confirm whether the file upload has exceeded the allowed size or if the page expects a parameter in the query string.

401 Unauthorized

The website will return a 401 Unauthorized error code if the proxy server provides invalid authentication credentials. The proxy server must have correct login information to access the website, such as a username and password. If the website employs additional security measures, such as CAPTCHA codes or reCAPTCHA challenges, then those must also be properly configured for the proxy server to gain access.

To fix this, the user should update the authentication credentials with valid information. If the proxy server is configured to save login information, it may have to be reset. Additionally, any URL rewriting rules in the proxy server should be updated to reflect the new login credentials and URLs changed in the process.

402 Payment Required

This error occurs when the requested website requires payment to access the page, the proxy is not authorized to access that site, is incorrectly configured, or there are authentication issues between the proxy and the website. To resolve this issue, users should check their proxy settings, authenticate their credentials with the website, or purchase access if necessary. Additionally, users should ensure the URL is correct and that they are using the most up-to-date version of their proxy server.

403 Forbidden

The 403 Forbidden error is a common HTTP status code that indicates the proxy server does not have access to the requested resource. It may display: Received HTTP code 403 from proxy after CONNECT. This can occur for many reasons, such as incorrect authentication credentials, missing authorization headers, or a lack of appropriate permissions. Web applications that disallow crawling can also trigger this code.

If you encounter this error while using a proxy server for web scraping, check your configuration and be sure the requested resource is valid and that the proxy server has access to the proper credentials.

404 Not Found

404 Not Found proxy codes indicate the requested URL was not found on the server. This can occur when attempting to access a blocked website, when a proxy server is in use, or when the URL is invalid. An incorrect or poorly configured proxy server or an issue with the website’s server can also cause the error. To resolve the 404 Not Found error, users should ensure they are using the correct URL and that their proxy server is configured correctly.

405 Method Not Allowed

The error occurs when a proxy server receives an HTTP request that uses a method not supported by the requested resource, such as a POST request instead of a GET. This is usually caused by the incorrect type of request or when the target website does not allow a particular action. You’ll need to send the correct type of request and make sure it’s allowed by the target website. You may also need to try a different proxy server to bypass any restrictions.

406 Not Acceptable

The 406 Not Acceptable proxy code is sent by a proxy server when it cannot fulfill the web scraper’s request. This can happen for several reasons, such as the proxy server not supporting the requested file type. For example, if there is a request for an HTML page, but the server allows only JPEG. Another potential cause of the error is when the requested URL does not match any rules set up in the proxy server or if the scraper attempts to access a protected resource. In either case, rectifying the issue requires changing the proxy configuration or adjusting the web scraping request.

The 406 Not Acceptable error is avoidable by ensuring the proxy server is correctly configured, and all requests are valid. Checking the proxy server logs is also a good way to identify and troubleshoot the issue.

407 Proxy Authentication Required

This code is received from a proxy server when it cannot verify your credentials. The 407 error code is common when web scraping via a proxy, as the server cannot authenticate the request from a user. The code indicates the server received an HTTP request with an authentication header but could not verify the credentials provided by the user. It will then return: Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT. It may also display: Error occurred while trying to proxy request.

To resolve this error, the user must provide valid credentials for their account or sign up for a new one. Additionally, it may be necessary to check the proxy server settings to ensure the correct credentials are being used.

408 Request Timeout

The 408 Request Timeout status code indicates the proxy server did not receive a timely response from the target server while trying to access web scraping data. This error typically occurs when the target server does not respond within a set timeout period or when there are issues with the connection between the proxy server and the target server.

Poor network connections, high latency between the proxy and target servers, and overloaded or malfunctioning networks can cause this error. The target server can also close idle connections due to inactivity, resulting in a timeout error.

One way to fix the error is to check for any network issues or problems with the proxy server. It may also be necessary to adjust the timeout period if the proxy server cannot get an appropriate response from the target server. Using a different proxy with better connections to the target server is also a good approach.

409 Conflict

The 409 Conflict error typically occurs when the request conflicts with the server’s current state, such as when there is an attempt to modify an object already modified. To fix the 409 Conflict error, you need to assess the cause of the conflict. This can be done by looking into the logs or inspecting the web scraping request. If an invalid request caused the error, you can modify the existing request to eliminate the conflict. Alternatively, if the conflict is due to an outdated or incorrect proxy configuration, you may need to update the settings and ensure they are working correctly.

410 Gone

This indicates that a requested resource has been permanently removed from the website. It can happen when a web scraper attempts to scrape a webpage that no longer exists.

Server problems, changes in the website’s content, or an intentional decision by the website administrator to remove the page could also cause 410 Gone. The proxy server will stop responding after encountering this error, making it difficult to scrape the web page.

The error can be fixed by sending a new request for another web page. It may also be necessary to check the proxy configuration to ensure it is up-to-date and working correctly.

411 Length Required

411 error status codes occur when a server refuses to accept a request without a valid Content-Length header. This can be due to a missing or incorrect Content-Length header or the server misunderstanding the request method. To prevent this error, ensure the request includes a valid Content-Length header.

412 Precondition Failed

This error status code appears when the conditions specified in a request header field do not match what the server can provide. The server cannot meet the prerequisites presented in the request, given the resource’s state.

The best way to fix this error is to check the conditions set in the request header and modify them accordingly. This can be done by adjusting the settings and parameters in the proxy server. If there is no way to alter the conditions, switch to a different proxy server that can meet the conditions of the request.

413 Payload Too Large

This HTTP response status code indicates the request has failed because the server cannot accept a request with a too large payload (data). A user generally causes this error by sending an HTTP request with too much data in the request’s body, such as when uploading large files or submitting a large form.

This error can also occur if the user sends a request with an HTTP header too large for the server to accept. The server terminates the connection and returns the 413 error to indicate the request was too big.

If you encounter this error while using a proxy server for web scraping, check that your request size is not too large and that the HTTP headers comply with the server settings.

414 URI Too Long

Errors of this nature occur when a request sent to the server is too long for it to handle. The error may be due to an improper conversion of POST requests to a GET request or when the URI is too long for the server to process. It can also occur due to an incorrect encoding type, incorrect URL parameters, and form or query strings with too many characters. In some cases, the error occurs when a client attacks a server, resulting in too many requests.

To fix the error, shorten the URI and ensure that the correct encoding, URL parameter, form, or query string is used. To prevent future errors, review the request structure and reduce its size by removing unnecessary characters or information. It is also important to know the maximum URI length the server can accept.

415 Unsupported Media Type

This is usually due to a mismatch between the type of data expected by the server and the data sent by the client. It typically occurs when a client attempts to access a web page that requires a specific type of data, such as an image or video, but the server cannot understand the format of the data sent. The media type sent by the client must match what the server expects for successful communication.

In the context of a web scraper, it is important to ensure that any requests made by the client match the media type allowed by the server. You also need to be aware of the limitations of a server and adjust any requests accordingly. If this error occurs, you may have to change the content-type header setting of the client, which can usually be done by adjusting the settings and parameters in the proxy server.

416 Range Not Satisfiable

This HTTP response status code indicates the client must specify a valid range of bytes. This error can occur when a user attempts to access content through a proxy server, but the server cannot fulfill the request because it cannot find any overlapping bytes that can be easily satisfied. It may also occur if the user has requested a page with no valid byte range or has requested too many bytes. In either case, the server cannot fulfill the request and sends a 416 error as a response.

To prevent this from happening, ensure that any requests are properly formatted and include a valid byte range. Checking the logs may also provide more information on what triggered the error.

429 Too Many Requests

This proxy code error occurs when the server receives too many requests from the same IP address within a specific time frame. This can happen when web scraping at a high volume and speed. The server may find these requests suspicious and respond with 429 proxy codes.

To fix this, you’ll need to slow down the rate of requests sent from the proxy server or use a larger pool of IP addresses for web scraping. You can also add a delay of one to two seconds between requests to reduce the chances of receiving this error.

5xx: Server error status code

5xx status codes communicate that the request was unsuccessful due to a server error. Common 5xx proxy codes include:

500 Internal Server Error

This occurs when a proxy server cannot process a request due to an internal malfunction or misconfiguration. Incorrect settings could cause this error, such as a misconfigured .htaccess file, an overloaded server, or incompatibilities with the proxy software. A corrupted database, incompatible libraries, or incorrect permissions could also cause a 500 Internal Server Error.

Here are a few ways to troubleshoot a 500 Internal Server Error:

  1. Check the logs for more information on what caused the error.
  2. Revert to an earlier version of the page if recent changes have caused issues.
  3. Review the server settings and ensure they are correctly configured.
  4. Clear cookies, cache, and any stored data from the browser.

501 Not Implemented

This error occurs when the server does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request. It usually happens when a client sends an HTTP request that contains a method or protocol not supported by the server. The error can be due to a server misconfiguration or an incompatible proxy protocol.

The error can be fixed by ensuring the client uses a supported protocol or method to send requests. The server may need to be upgraded to support newer protocols.

The proxy server configuration should be checked and modified if necessary. If all else fails, switching to a different proxy server could help solve the issue.

502 Bad Gateway

502 errors mean the server blocked the requested URL. The proxy server is unable to establish a successful connection with the origin server. While acting as a gateway or proxy, the server received an invalid response from the upstream server. Many issues can cause this error, including incorrect proxy settings, DNS errors, and network congestion. In addition, a firewall may block the server or other security measures, or it will overload and cannot process requests.

Here are steps for troubleshooting a 502 Bad Gateway error:

  1. Check for any proxy misconfiguration, such as an incorrect IP address or port number.
  2. Clear your browser’s cache and cookies.
  3. Try accessing the website from a different network, browser, or device.
  4. Review for any DNS errors, such as outdated DNS records or incorrect domain names.
  5. Check to see if the website is up and running.
  6. Contact your internet service provider (ISP) to see if they have any network issues.

503 Service Unavailable

This server response indicates it cannot fulfill the request due to various issues, including network congestion, an overloaded server, incorrect configuration settings, or insufficient resources. It may throw the following error: Received HTTP code 503 from proxy after CONNECT.

Try resetting the firewall or restarting the proxy connection. Check for any incorrect settings or misconfiguration and review the server logs for more information on the cause of the error.

504 Gateway Timeout

This error is an HTTP status code that indicates the proxy server could not connect successfully to the intended web page within the given time limit. The most common cause of this error is an overloaded or underpowered server.

The following steps can help troubleshoot a 504 Gateway Timeout error:

  1. Reset and refresh the proxy connection.
  2. Check for any misconfigured settings or incorrect proxy IP addresses or port numbers.
  3. If the issue persists, try accessing the website from a different network.

505 Version Not Supported

A web server may return a 505 error when it does not support the HTTP protocol version used in the request. This can happen when the proxy server runs an older version of the HTTP protocol than the target website or vice versa.

When this error occurs, the request should be retried using a compatible version of the HTTP protocol. Some websites may not support certain versions of the HTTP protocol, so check the server requirements when setting up a proxy server.

507 Insufficient Storage

This error appears when the targeted web server doesn’t have enough storage to fulfill the request. The error is usually caused by exceeding the web server’s disk quota. As a user, there is little you can do to troubleshoot such an error. The best course of action is to refresh the connection and try again.

510 Not Extended

510 proxy codes indicate that the proxy server used for web scraping has requested an extension of capabilities not supported by the target server. This often occurs when the server configuration supports HTTP 1.1 and the proxy attempts to access resources using more advanced features, such as SSL encryption or WebSocket connections.

The proxy server must either comply with the target server’s restrictions or adopt a different approach to retrieving the data, such as using a different HTTP version or a different proxy server. The proxy server may sometimes need reconfiguration to use its full capabilities.

511 Network Authentication Required

This proxy code error occurs when the user attempts to access a website or other online service through a proxy server that requires authentication. Either there are no credentials provided, or the credentials supplied are invalid or insufficient.

This error is most commonly encountered with websites such as a subscription service with paywalls or an intranet. The user must provide valid authentication credentials to access the website to resolve this error. Most proxy servers will provide an access log so the user can determine the credentials required.

How To Solve Proxy Status Errors

How To Solve Proxy Status Errors

While errors in proxy status can be frustrating and time-consuming, it is important to resolve them quickly because they can prevent accurate and successful web scraping.

First, identify the error. Common sources of proxy status errors include incorrect IP addresses, poor connection speed, and improper proxy server configurations. You can refer to the aforementioned common codes to help narrow down the source of the problem. Additionally, it is important to ensure that proxies are regularly tested and updated to prevent future errors.

The following are some general ways to troubleshoot proxy errors.

Change the proxy server settings

There are instances where the client may show the error, “There is something wrong with the proxy server, or the address is incorrect.”

One way to solve this is by changing the proxy server settings. This involves selecting a specific proxy type and entering a valid IP address and port number. Selecting the proxy type that matches the target website is essential, as incompatible settings can lead to further errors.

Users should also ensure that the proxy server is fast and reliable to guarantee consistent connection speeds when scraping data from many websites.

Check your internet connection

If your web scraper fails, checking your internet connection can help identify and resolve the issue. A simple way to do this is to use a diagnostic tool, such as the ping or traceroute commands. These tools will help you measure your network speed and performance and identify connection issues that may be causing your proxy status errors. You can also try resetting your router or modem.

Clear the cache and cookies

Clearing the cache removes all stored information and data, which can help fix any issues caused by corrupted or outdated data. Similarly, deleting your browser cookies will remove all stored website settings that may interfere with web scraping.

Update your web browser

Regularly updating your web browser ensures the most current versions of web protocols and other technologies are running. This gives you access to any new features, eliminates bugs, increases performance, and reduces security risks with security patches.

Set time delays between requests

Setting a delay means triggering web scraping requests at intervals instead of simultaneously, allowing the proxy IP pool to reset itself before performing the next request. This will help minimize any potential errors or issues caused by exceeding the maximum number of requests a proxy can handle. Time delays are essential in successful web scraping, especially when developing automation scripts.

It is also important to update the proxy IP pool to ensure reliable connections by checking and refreshing the proxy list with a reliable proxy provider.

Use residential proxies

Residential proxies are a reliable solution for web scrapers running into proxy status errors. They provide unique IP addresses that hide the user’s identity (making it difficult to detect whether the user is a scraper) and rotate IP addresses to reduce the chance of getting blocked. Residential proxies also allow for more reliable connections, ensuring scrapers can access the data they need without worrying about errors.

Rayobyte’s rotating residential proxies are top-of-the-line in terms of reliability, authority, and subnet diversity, providing the highest levels of security. Our world-class API access allows you to manage your proxies from a convenient dashboard interface.

Review logs

Logs contain information that can be vital in understanding why the error occurred and finding a resolution. Logs can provide details like the proxy used, the response code returned, and the duration of the request.

Get Help Solving Proxy Status Errors

Get Help Solving Proxy Status Errors

Encountering proxy codes is common when web scraping. They are often frustrating and may even set you back hours in your data-gathering process. Without the right knowledge and tools, it can be challenging to determine what exactly is causing the errors.

Understanding the best practices for resolving proxy status errors can help you quickly solve these issues. From clearing your browser cache to using residential proxies and reviewing logs, there are a number of ways to ensure you can scrape data effectively.

Rayobyte offers the best proxy solutions for your business. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

Find The Right Proxies

Something faster? Something rotatable? Get the right proxies for the task a hand.

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