cURL With Headers: Transfer Data With HTTP Headers & Proxies
Web scraping is the automatic extraction of data and information from websites. With the help of proxies, you can access websites, crawl through their pages, extract desired data, and store it in a structured format. Web proxies act as intermediaries between clients and servers, allowing you to access blocked/restricted content, bypass geographical restrictions or censorship, and maintain anonymity.
HTTP request headers are crucial to web scraping, conveying additional information between web servers and clients. Customizing HTTP request headers facilitates better communication between your software and the target website. Using cURL with headers is an excellent way to get started. cURL is a versatile command-line tool that uses URL syntax for transferring data between clients and servers through HTTP headers.
Here’s how to cURL with headers and web proxies for ethical and seamless web scraping.
What Are Headers in HTTP?

Knowing how to cURL with headers can help you appropriately set up your HTTP request headers for web scraping. To get information from websites, your web scraper will have to emulate a web browser that sends an HTTP request, including a request field, headers or header fields, and a message body if needed. HTTP headers are key/value pairs of additional information passed between applications (like web browsers and scrapers) and servers through request and response headers. They are written in clear-text string format and can be grouped into different categories based on their purposes:
- General headers are applied to both request and response headers without affecting the message body.
- Request headers contain information about the fetched request by the client.
- Response headers contain information about the location of the requested source or details about the server.
- Entity headers provide information about the body of the resource, such as the MIME (media) type.
HTTP headers are not case-sensitive, and header names do not have to be capitalized. For example, “Content-Type” is equivalent to “content-type.” However, the values of headers are case-sensitive, so capitalization of the values does matter.
Note that not all websites react the same way to every HTTP header. Tailor your requests for each site you scrape when using cURL with headers. Check which headers are being sent to each target website in a normal user session by observing its network traffic using the web browser’s developer tools. You might find specific headers used by that application.
Respect the terms of service and privacy policies of the websites you’re scraping, and abide by the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction. Using cURL with headers (or any other method) to impersonate a browser or user or to bypass server restrictions could be considered unethical or illegal, depending on the context.
Using cURL with headers in web scraping involves a careful balance act. While it’s important to use headers to maximize the efficiency of your scraping operations, it’s equally crucial to ensure you abide by ethical guidelines and not infringe on the terms of service of the sites you’re scraping.
Learning to appropriately use cURL with headers is important, as web scrapers need HTTP headers for several reasons.
HTTP headers supply context and metadata, such as the user agent, which identifies the application or browser making the request. Websites use this information to distinguish between web scrapers and legitimate users. A scraper can mimic a web browser by using cURL with headers like User-Agent, preventing the server from identifying it as a bot. This can help avoid being blocked or served different content.
The From header can contain the user’s email address or the person responsible for the particular user agent. This is rarely used due to privacy concerns, but some websites might require it. Some websites or APIs also require authentication via headers like Authorization. Including these when using cURL with headers can provide access to protected resources.
Using cURL with headers allows you to customize the experience. Customized HTTP headers vastly enhance communication between a web scraper and a target website by providing additional information to the server.
Some websites require specific headers to access certain content. For example, the Referer header is used by some websites for analytics or security measures. Others might use X-Requested-With to identify AJAX requests.
Servers may dynamically adjust the content based on request headers, a process known as content negotiation. Headers like Accept-Language and Accept enable a scraper to specify preferences for the language and format of the data, ensuring the server returns the desired data. The Accept-Encoding header is also often used in this context.
The Timing-Allow-Origin header specifies origins that are allowed to see values of attributes retrieved via features of the Resource Timing API, which is used for collecting performance data for a particular resource.
Using cURL with headers can increase the security of your web scraping operations. For instance, you could use the Origin header to mitigate cross-site request forgery attacks.
The Do-Not-Track request header indicates the user’s tracking preference. It lets the server know whether or not the user consents to being tracked by cookies or other mechanisms.
The Expect-CT header lets sites opt into reporting and enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements, preventing misissued certificates for that site from going unnoticed.
If you’re scraping via proxies as well as using cURL with headers, headers like Via and Forwarded can be used to control and understand the path your request is taking to the server.
The X-Forwarded-For header can also be useful if you’re using proxies. This header identifies the original IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or load balancer.
Web scraping can be optimized by using cURL with headers. Here are some of the most useful headers:
- Accept-Encoding: Helps specify the type of encoding (like gzip or deflate) the client can handle. This can help reduce the amount of data being transferred, making the process more efficient.
- Upgrade: You can use the Upgrade header to switch to a different protocol, such as upgrading from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 or switching to a WebSocket connection. However, this typically applies more to real-time applications than traditional web scraping.
- Save-Data: This request header field is a token that indicates the client’s preference for reduced data usage. This could be particularly useful if you are running a web scraping operation on a large scale and want to save data.
- Cache-Control and Pragma: These headers can prevent caching of the requested resource, ensuring you always get the freshest data.
- Max-Forwards: Control the depth of a crawl.
- If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since: If-None-Match allows the scraper to download resources only when they have changed since the last visit, saving bandwidth. If-Modified-Since can prevent the re-downloading of unchanged data, improving efficiency.
- Connection: Keep-Alive: Helps maintain a persistent connection with the server, reducing the overhead of establishing a new connection for each request.
- Expect: 100-continue: Allows the client to wait for a server response before sending the body of the request. This can save bandwidth if the server is going to respond with an error or redirect.
- Range: Can be used to request specific parts of a resource. This can be especially useful when dealing with large files or paginated resources.
- Location: Some servers may respond with redirections (HTTP status codes 3xx). The location response header contains the URL to redirect to, which the scraping application can follow to reach the desired content.
Some servers may employ rate limiting based on the IP address or User-Agent. A scraper can avoid hitting rate limits by using cURL with headers to rotate through them.
If you’re encountering issues scraping a website when using cURL with headers, changing one header at a time and noting any differences in the server’s response can help isolate the problem.
What Is The Meaning of cURL?

“cURL” stands for “Client URL.” It’s common to use cURL with headers when web scraping and executing other data transfer applications to make HTTP requests, interact with APIs, and perform network-related tasks.
It is a command-line tool that sends and receives data between a web scraping application and target websites. There are many other command-line tools, but using cURL with headers has unique benefits:
- Versatile: cURL is an open-source command-line tool supporting various networking protocols like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and more. The tool also runs on popular operating systems such as macOS, Windows, and Linux, making it versatile for transferring data to and from a target server.
- Easy to understand and use: cURL with headers provides an easy-to-understand and use URL syntax for sending HTTP headers. You can import the “libcurl” project library, and use the “-H” or “–header” command-line option, followed by the header name and value, to include headers in your requests and send them directly from your applications.
- Easily customized: Using cURL with headers lets you send custom HTTP headers by specifying the header name and value in the request. The target server can then receive additional context and metadata, helping it streamline how it processes the request and responds.
- Simple to troubleshoot and debug: cURL with headers offers the -v or –verbose command-line option that is useful for viewing detailed information about the request and response, including the HTTP headers transferred.
Using cURL with headers can help you customize many HTTP headers when web scraping. Commonly used HTTP headers are described below:
- User-Agent: Identifies the client making the request. It’s important to use a legitimate user-agent string to mimic a real browser and avoid being detected as a scraper.
- Accept: Specifies the media types that the client can handle. Include this header to indicate the type of content that the client expects to receive.
- Referer: Specifies the URL of the page that referred the client to the current page, and it’s another header that can help your scraper mimic a real user’s behavior and avoid being detected.
- Cookie: Cookies can help you maintain session information.
- Connection: Specifies the type of connection the client wants to establish with the server. It’s important to include this header to indicate the type of connection that the client expects to receive.
- Cache-Control: Indicates whether the client wants to receive cached content.
- Accept-Language: Identifies the preferred language of the client.
- Accept-Encoding: Specifies the encoding schemes that the client can handle. This header will indicate the type of encoding that the client expects to receive.
- Sec-Fetch-Site: Identifies the site that initiated the fetch. It’s important to include this header to mimic a real user’s behavior and avoid being detected as a scraper.
- Sec-Fetch-Mode: Specifies the mode of the fetch. It’s important to include this when using cURL with headers to mimic a real user’s behavior and avoid being detected as a scraper.
- Sec-Fetch-Dest: This header specifies the destination of the fetch. It is another header that can help you imitate a human user and avoid detection.
- Origin: Identifies the request’s origin — yet another header to help your scraper mimic human behavior when using cURL with headers.
- Proxy-Authorization: This header authenticates the request when proxies are used.
The following HTTP headers are less commonly used when using cURL with headers:
- Authorization
- Content-Length
- Content-Type
- Host
- If-Modified-Since
- Upgrade-Insecure-Requests
- Pragma
- Range
- Expect
- Via
- X-Requested-With
- If-None-Match
- TE
- From
- DNT (Do Not Track)
- X-Forwarded-For
- Expect-CT
- Forwarded
- If-Unmodified-Since
- Max-Forwards
- Proxy-Authorization
- Save-Data
- Timing-Allow-Origin
- Warning
- X-Content-Type-Options.
- Age
- Sec-Fetch-User
- Trailer
- Transfer-Encoding
- Upgrade
- Vary
- TK
- Alt-Svc
- Clear-Site-Data
- Link
- NEL (Network Error Logging)
- P3P (Platform for Privacy Preferences)
- Report-To
- Want-Digest
- HTTP2-Settings.
- IM (Accept-Instance-Manipulation)
- Access-Control-Request-Headers
- Access-Control-Request-Method
- X-Frame-Options
- Sec-WebSocket-Extensions
- Sec-WebSocket-Version
- Sec-WebSocket-Key
- Sec-WebSocket-Protocol
The headers listed above should cover virtually all scenarios you could encounter when using cURL with headers for web scraping. Some are less likely to be needed in many web scraping projects, but they are part of the HTTP standard and could be needed in specialized circumstances. The relevance of each of these headers will depend on your specific use case and the specifics of the website you are scraping.
cURL’s flexibility means that there’s always more to explore. To learn more about your different options when using cURL with headers, you can run the “man curl” command in a terminal or check the official cURL documentation. You can check the official HTTP documentation to learn more about HTTP.
Quick Start Guide To cURL With Headers

The following guide should help you use cURL with headers in no time.
Add and send HTTP headers
Generally, three types of headers are used to exchange information between clients and servers depending on the scenario:
- Single header: The cURL command will consist of a single header field that provides specific information about the content or the client/server.
- Multiple headers: The cURL command will consist of multiple header fields grouped together to convey related information.
- Empty headers: The cURL command will consist of header fields with no values. The header fields mark the end of the header section. An empty line follows the empty header, signaling the completion of the header section.
Here are some examples of customizing cURL with headers:
Adding a custom header
To add a custom header, you can use the “-H “option followed by the header name and its value.
curl -X GET ‘’ -H ‘Authorization: Bearer your_access_token’
Setting a user-agent header
You can set the User-Agent header to identify the client making the request.
curl -X GET ‘’ -H ‘User-Agent: CustomUserAgent’
Sending multiple custom headers
To send multiple custom headers using cURL with headers, simply add multiple -H options.
curl -X GET ‘’ \
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer your_access_token’ \
-H’ Custom-Header: YourCustomValue’
Overriding the default user-agent header
If you want to override the default User-Agent header, you can use the -A option.
curl -X GET ‘’ -A ‘CustomUserAgent’
Sending form data
To send form data (URL-encoded) using cURL with headers, use the -d option along with the -H option for the Content-Type.
curl -X POST ‘’ \
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer your_access_token’ \
-H ‘Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ \
-d’ username=johndoe&password=secretpassword’
Setting cookies
To send cookies along with the request, use the -b option. You can extract cookies from a previous response and include them in the subsequent request.
curl -X GET ‘’ -H ‘Cookie: session_id=your_session_id’
Modifying request headers
You can modify headers in the request using the -H option. For example, you can override the default Accept header to request a specific content type.
curl -X GET ‘’ -H ‘Accept: application/json’
Setting custom referer
You can use the -e or –referer option to set the Referer header.
curl -X GET ‘’ -e ‘’
Sending data from a file
If you have data in a file, you can use the @ symbol to read and send it in the request body.
curl -X POST ‘’ \
-H ‘Authorization: Bearer your_access_token’ \
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ \
-d @data.json
Redirect following
By default, cURL with headers does not follow HTTP redirects. If you want cURL to follow redirects automatically, use the -L or –location option.
curl -L
Disabling certificate validation
When working with self-signed certificates or during testing, you might need to disable certificate validation. Use the -k or –insecure option for this purpose.
curl -k
Set a timeout
To specify a timeout for the request, you can use the –max-time option. It’s useful to prevent long-running requests.
curl –max-time 10
Limiting the number of redirects
If you want to limit the number of redirects cURL will follow, you can use the –max-redirs option.
curl –max-redirs 3
Sending binary data
To send binary data in the request body, you can use the –data-binary option. It prevents cURL from interpreting the data.
curl -X POST ‘’ –data-binary
These are just some examples of how you can customize your project using cURL with headers. There are many additional options and techniques that you can mix and match based on your specific use case.
Viewing HTTP request headers
You can view the request headers using cURL with headers and the “-v” or “–verbose” command-line argument. This will print debugging information about how cURL makes the request, including the HTTP headers sent to the server and received from the server.
curl -H ‘Accept-Language: en-US’ -H ‘Secret-Message: xyzzy’
Receive HTTP headers
You can use the “-I” or “–head” command-line option to fetch the HTTP header only.
curl -I
This will return the HTTP headers that the server sends. This is helpful when you want to know things like the content type, date of the data, set-cookies values, and more.
You can use the “-v” or “–verbose” command-line option mentioned above to see more detailed information.
curl -v
This will show the full HTTP conversation, not just the headers of the response. It will include request headers and the connection setup and termination.
The “–trace-ascii” command-line option will show the request headers, response headers, and response body.
curl –trace-ascii output.txt
The output will be saved to the specified file (“output.txt” in this example) and will include the request headers, response headers, and response body.
Send data with HTTP headers
If you want to send data as part of your HTTP request using cURL with headers, you can use the “-d” or “–data” command-line option. For example, if you want to send JSON data, you might do something like this:
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“username”: “user”, “password”: “pass”}’ /
This would send a JSON object with a username and password to the server.
Custom request methods
By default, cURL with headers uses the GET method when making requests. However, you can specify a custom method using the “-X” or” –request” command-line option. For example, to make a POST request with cURL, you could enter:
curl -X POST -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d ‘{“key”: “value”}’
Follow redirects
If the URL you’re requesting results in a redirect, cURL won’t follow the redirect unless you include the “-L” or “–location” option.
curl -L
Save the response to a file
To save the response from the server to a file when using cURL with headers, use the “-o” (lowercase o) or “–output” option.
curl -o output.html
Send data from a file
Using cURL with headers to send data from a file will use the @ prefix with the “-d” or “–data” option.
curl -H “Content-Type: application/json” -d @data.json
Pass a user agent
Some servers return different content based on the user-agent header. You can pass a custom user-agent with the “-A” or “–user-agent” option.
curl -A “Mozilla/5.0”
Use cookies
You can send cookies using cURL with headers and the “-b” or “–cookie” option.
curl -b “name=value”
You can also save the cookies the server sends with the “-c” or “–cookie-jar” option.
curl -c cookies.txt
cURL also supports HTTP/2 as of version 7.33.0. You can specify to use HTTP/2 using the “–http2” option.
curl –http2
SSL and certificates
If you’re working with a URL that uses HTTPS, using cURL will headers will default to SSL and check the server’s certificate for security. If you’re working in a testing environment and need to bypass this, you can use “-k” or “–insecure,” but this is not recommended for production environments.
curl -k
To provide a custom certificate, use the “–cert” option.
curl –cert /path/to/cert.pem
Use proxies
You can use the “-x” or “–proxy” option to specify a proxy.
curl -x
The following HTTP headers are commonly used for web scraping using proxies. You’ll recognize several from earlier information on using cURL with headers.
This header identifies the client making the request and can be used to mimic a browser or other client. Some websites may block requests from certain user agents, so setting a valid user agent via cURL with headers is important.
To set the “User-Agent” header in cURL, use the “-A” or “–user-agent” command line argument followed by the user agent string.
Example command:
curl -A “Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36 Edge/16.16299”
This header specifies the URL of the page linked to the current page. Some websites may check the referer header to prevent hotlinking or to track user behavior.
To set the “Referer” header in cURL, use the “-e” or “–referer” command line argument followed by the referring URL.
Example command:
curl -e
This header contains cookies that were previously set by the server and can be used to maintain a session or authenticate the user.
To set the “Cookie” header in cURL, use the “-b” or “–cookie” command line argument followed by the cookie string.
Example command:
curl -b “session_id=1234567890abcdef”
This header is used to authenticate the user to the proxy server. It contains the username and password encoded in Base64 format.
To set the “Proxy-Authorization” header in cURL, use the “-x” or “–proxy-authorization” command line argument followed by the proxy server URL, “-H” or “–header command line argument, and header string.
Example command:
curl -x -H ‘Proxy-Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=’
This header specifies the encoding formats that the client can accept for the response. It can be used to request compressed data to reduce bandwidth usage.
To set the “Accept-Encoding” header in cURL with headers, use the “-H” or “–header command line argument followed by the header string.
Example command:
curl -H ‘Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate’
This header specifies whether the connection should be kept alive or closed after completing the request. It can improve performance by reusing the same connection for multiple requests.
To set the “Connection” header in cURL, use the “-H” or “–header” command line argument followed by the header string.
Example command:
curl -H ‘Connection: keep-alive’
If you want to see detailed timing information about the various stages of the HTTP request/response, you can use the “-w” or” –write-out” option.
curl -w “@curl-format.txt”
Where “curl-format.txt” is a file containing the format of the information you want to output. There are several variables you can use in this file, such as “time_total,” “time_namelookup,” “time_connect,” “time_pretransfer,” “time_starttransfer,” etc.
Downloading multiple files
You can download multiple files in a single command by providing multiple URLs.
curl -O -O
Rate limiting
You can limit the rate at which data is transferred using the “–limit-rate” option, for instance, to 1000B/s.
curl –limit-rate 1000B
cURL also supports file transfer protocols like FTPS and SFTP.
curl -u ftpuser:ftppass -s -S ftps://
HTTP/3 (experimental)
cURL has experimental support for HTTP/3 as of version 7.66.0.
curl –http3
Pausing the transfer
When using cURL with headers, you can pause the current transfer by pressing CTRL+Z on your keyboard. To resume the paused transfer, use the command “fg.”
Referer Header
You may need to use the Referer header when crawling sites or in other scenarios. Here’s how:
curl -e
User and Password
To specify a user and password for server authentication, use “-u” or “–user.”
curl -u username:password
Display cURL version and features
You can display the version of cURL and the features enabled in your version using the “-V” or “–version” option.
curl -V
Mute cURL
You can silence all progress and error messages when using cURL with headers by using the “-s” or “–silent” option.
curl -s
But bear in mind that using “-s” alone will make cURL mute even the error messages. To allow error messages to be displayed, combine the command with “-S” or “–show-error.”
curl -sS
cURL supports IPv6 addresses. You can just place the address within brackets.
curl http://[2001:db8::1]
Unix sockets
Using cURL with headers can help you communicate over Unix domain sockets using the “–unix-socket” option.
curl –unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/images/json
cURL with headers can handle encoded content and decode it automatically with the “–compressed” option.
curl –compressed
You can specify a particular range of data you want to retrieve with the “-r” or “–range” option.
curl -r 0-999
Use Proxies With All HTTP Headers

Try Rayobyte Proxies to enjoy speed, quality, and uninterrupted access while web scraping using cURL with headers.
Residential proxies
Residential proxies allow users to connect to a network of millions of devices worldwide, mimicking real user traffic. Your traffic would appear more humanlike to target websites, making them useful for data scraping or accessing region-specific information on websites.
Here are some advantages:
- Network of real users: Tap into a network of real users, providing a more authentic browsing experience.
- Geo-targeting functionality: You can appear to be anywhere in the world, allowing you to gather data from websites that may show different information based on region.
- High uptime and fewer bans: Enjoy high uptimes with fewer bans, ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted browsing experience.
- Proxy reseller program: Rayobyte offers a proxy reseller program, allowing individuals to enter the residential proxy business and resell their proxies.
- Ethical proxy use: Rayobyte is committed to providing a high level of service and support to ensure a positive user experience.
ISP proxies
ISP proxies provide you with the authority of residential proxies and the speed of data center proxies for non-scraping use cases. They are designed to provide users with a fast and reliable browsing experience.
Some notable features include:
- High speeds: ISP proxies are fast, making them suitable for many use cases.
- Unlimited bandwidth: You can enjoy unlimited, unmetered bandwidth and threads.
- Reliable and suitable for midrange and premium proxy needs: ISP proxies are reliable and suitable for midrange and premium proxy needs.
Data center proxies
Data center proxies allow you to collect large quantities of data with fewer risks of bans and compromised anonymity.
Upsides of data center proxies include:
- Multiple types: Three types of proxies offer different levels of exclusivity and control over proxy connections — rotating, dedicated, and semi-dedicated.
- Protocol support: The proxies support HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS protocols, allowing users to choose the best protocol for their needs.
- Coverage: Rayobyte’s data center proxies are available in 17 countries worldwide, with 34 data centers. This global coverage allows users to access websites and gather data from various regions.
- Varied use cases: Data center proxies are suitable for a range of use cases, including eCommerce data extraction, SEO monitoring, ad monitoring, sneaker copping, and social media surfing.
- Uptime and speed: Data center proxies are favored for their high uptime and swift speed, providing users with a reliable and fast browsing experience.
Rotating ISP proxies
Rotating ISP proxies pool ISP proxies and use a new IP address for each new connection so that you can avoid getting detected. They can be configured to switch IP addresses with the desired frequency.
Benefits include:
- Autonomous system numbers (ASNs): ISP proxies are hosted from a data center but use the ASNs of an internet service provider (ISP), providing users with a rotating IP address.
- Speed: ISP proxies rival data center proxies when it comes to speed, providing users with fast and reliable browsing.
- Variety of use cases: Like the data center proxies, ISP proxies are also suitable for a wide range of use cases requiring large-scale data collection.
Mobile proxies
Mobile proxies allow the pooling of data-enabled mobile devices to obtain IP addresses from telecom service providers. You can appear simply as a user browsing the internet.
Some advantages of mobile proxies:
- Mobile IP addresses: Mobile IP addresses from ISPs can be utilized for continuous internet connectivity and seamless browsing.
- Rotating IPs: IP addresses are rotated with high frequency, making them suitable for web scraping.
- Variety of use cases: Mobile proxies are ideal for a wide variety of use cases, such as mobile app testing, ad verification, or data collection.
If you’re considering using proxies and cURL with headers, keep the following in mind:
- Efficiency and effectiveness: Proxies make web scraping more efficient and effective and pair well with cURL with headers.
- Proxy types: There are different types of proxies to consider and choose from, and one may be a better fit for your project than the others. For example, residential proxies offer more reliability and security when compared to data center proxies.
- Integration with proxy management solution: Rayobyte offers Proxy Pilot, a free proxy management solution that can handle proxy retries, rotation logic, and cooldown logic for you. It is built-in for all Rayobyte residential proxies, making them convenient for web scraping.
Wrapping Up

HTTP headers are crucial agents that handle communication between clients and servers as they support optimized and customized data transfers, with the added benefits of identification and security. cURL is a resourceful command-line tool that allows you to customize headers when web scraping, making it a practical choice.
Using cURL with headers and proxies can provide distinct advantages for your web scraper. Combined with Rayobyte’s web scraping partner Rayobyte’s Web Scraping API, you get a total turnkey solution for ethical and seamless web scraping. Remember to be responsible and respectful when collecting data, and head to Rayobyte for the best scraping solutions.
The information contained within this article, including information posted by official staff, guest-submitted material, message board postings, or other third-party material is presented solely for the purposes of education and furtherance of the knowledge of the reader. All trademarks used in this publication are hereby acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.