Ready For A Slam Dunk? Time To Watch Sports With Proxies
The crack of the bat. The sound of the buzzer. The sheer gut ache you feel when your team fumbles the ball. You wear the jersey of your favorite player with pride and plan your life around the big game. Sports are not just a hobby; they are a way of life. And once you start living your life around Sunday night football and World Series schedules, you never look back. Thing is, not all your chosen obsessions are available to stream in every country. Trust me, the lengths my dad has taken to watch Tottenham Hotspur play Man United in soccer are great. But what if catching the biggest sports rivals go head-to-head did not have to be a complicated process? But what is the solution? Moving? That feels a bit drastic. Instead of following your favorite team around the world, watch sports with proxies. From an ESPN proxy to an NBC sports proxy, you will be able to unlock any game.
Never fear, you consider yourself a sports aficionado, not a proxy expert. That is why this blog will cover a wide range of topics relating to watching sports games using a proxy. First, I will define what sports proxies are, how to use them, reasons to use them, and finally, discuss what makes for a high-quality proxy. From where you stand, missing the big game simply is not an option. Make streaming sports simple with an assist from a proxy.
Table of Contents
Using Proxy Servers to Watch Sports
Whether you want to start live streaming sports channels or figure out how to watch NBC sports in the UK, a proxy is a perfect solution to all your restricted access woes. But before we discuss different reasons to begin using a proxy server to watch sports, I want to breakdown what a proxy is and how they work.
Every device that you own, no matter if it is a computer or phone, comes with a unique IP address. An address that can be found and tracked by websites. Generally, those websites use this information to calculate web traffic and to ensure no nefarious activity is happening on their site. That is all well and good. But while these IP addresses are useful for web owners, they are often limiting to those who own them, as the owner can only access content that is available in the regions that IP address reaches. More limitations mean fewer games you have regular access to. That is where a sports proxy comes in handy.
Proxies offer us new ways to enter the internet. They have the ability to shield your original IP address, making websites think you are in a new location (the location of your proxy server). Not only will you be able to watch sports with proxies, but you are also more protected and able to browse the internet anonymously. So, no matter if you are using a Star sports proxy or watching baseball abroad with an MLB TV proxy, your private information is safe, all while enjoying full access to the sports you love. Now that we have a fuller picture of what proxies are and how they work to your advantage, I want to explore how easy proxies are to use and the best kind of proxy to use when accessing sports games.
How to Watch Sports With Proxies

You might think that trying to watch ESPN in Europe is utterly impossible. But with a proxy, not so. Best of all, installing a proxy is not a complicated process. I want to give you a few tips regarding the right way to watch sports with a proxy.
First, you will want to avoid installing free, public proxies. While every sports fan loves free swag, when it comes to proxies, free does not equate to better. In fact, free proxies are unreliable and often leave your computer more vulnerable than ever before. I suggest you find a reliable proxy provider to help you choose the right paid proxies for all of your streaming needs. Once you find the right provider, keep in mind the kinds of proxies that they offer on their site.
The three main kinds of proxies are semi-dedicated, rotating, and dedicated. Semi-dedicated proxies are great if you know the people you are sharing the proxy with, as these proxies are shared with a few people and are not entirely private. While decently priced, semi-dedicated proxies are not as secure as other kinds of proxies, and therefore not as recommended. Next are rotating proxies. Rotating proxies are great if you are going to perform web scraping on a regular basis because they automatically rotate out your proxy. As scraping is not a popular use case for sports proxies, rotating proxies are not as useful. If you are using a Fox Sports proxy to watch football or want to watch basketball on ESPN, I recommend using a dedicated proxy. Dedicated proxies are for you and you alone. They are secure and minimize any lag time that comes with sharing bandwidth with other proxy users.
Once you find the right proxy, you need only follow the simple steps laid out by your proxy provider in order to get started. In most cases, installing your proxy is as simple as opening up your preferred browser and entering the proxy information into the designate sections. You can even check that you have set everything up correctly by confirming your IP address on
Keep in mind the above tips and you will be sure to install the best possible proxy for your device. Want to know even more about proxies? Check out our blog here.
Reasons to Watch Sports With a Proxy

Your newfound knowledge of how to watch sports with proxies is a major win. However, there is still another aspect of proxies that we should talk about. What reasons do people have for utilizing proxies in the first place? Let us take a look at just that.
Bypass geographical restrictions
As I mentioned earlier, many consumers like proxies for their ability to bypass geographical restrictions. And since not all sports are available in every country, proxies are a fantastic solution to this problem. Let’s say you want to do ESPN international live streaming in order to watch the Super Bowl or watch Star sports in the USA. Thanks to proxy technology, you do not need a complicated device in order to access content that you love. All you need to do is choose your location before live streaming sports channels and you will be all set to watch American football in Tokyo or cricket in the United States. Best of all, before you buy your proxy, your proxy provider will have different locations available to choose from, making the process even simpler.
Bypass blackout restrictions
Blackout restrictions work similarly to geographical restrictions, but in the case of blackouts, different sports associations have different rules. For example, in 1973, the NFL started issuing blackouts for local markets if the team did not sell at least 85 percent of its available tickets within 72 hours of the kickoff. While suspended in 2015, the NFL evaluates this policy on a yearly basis, thus creating uncertainty about who can watch the games. Thankfully, no matter the policies, your dedicated proxies will help with some of these restrictions, allowing you to watch, or at least follow, games that have the potential of being blacked out by leagues.
Added security while streaming
I would say it is no secret that sports are one of the main forms of entertainment that people stream on their devices. While sports have a way of bringing people together in order to share a common interest, the more people that stream games, the more crowded the landing page. And the more people on a website, the more chances there are for your personal information to be compromised or stolen. Not an ideal situation, but it should not stop you from watching the sports you love. Watch sports with proxies and increase the security of your device and hop from one browser tab to another without feeling as exposed or watched as you might with your original IP address. With so many people watching sports online at the same time, it is important to remain safe and stream smart.
While the list above does not include every single way that you can use your various sports proxies, it does represent some of the most popular ways to do so. If you have another streaming website that you would like to access abroad, then go for it. Proxies are not limited to just ESPN or Fox Sports. Besides, using a proxy is all about tapping into unlimited streaming capabilities.
Watch ESPN in Europe and More With a High-Quality Proxy

With all this talk about how to use your proxies and reasons you should use them while streaming, I bet you are wondering what makes for a high-quality proxy. Time to have a chat about the features of a fantastic sports proxy.
First, you will want to find a proxy provider that offers proxies in the country where your chosen sport is available. After all, it would not make much sense to buy a proxy that is located in Australia when your aim is to watch UK rugby teams go up against one another. Choose your location carefully and be sure the provider has a wide variety of location offerings. That way, if you want to buy more proxies in different locations, that provider has you covered.
Second, purchase proxies from a provider that has the kind of proxy we discussed earlier. That is right. You will want to find dedicated proxies in order to watch sports online. Dedicated proxies will help keep you safer than ever before, increase your bandwidth, and stop you worrying whether you have a strong connection with your server. Plus, make sure that the provider offers reasonable, competitive prices on all their proxies.
Finally, trust a proxy provider that has a customer service team that is ready and available 24/7. Considering proxy users are spread out around the world, you want to make sure that your provider is able to answer any and all of your questions in a timely manner.
Take your time researching and purchasing your proxy, consider all of the above, and you will be perfectly set up to watch sports from wherever, whenever.
The Final Inning

Nothing brings strangers together like the mutual love of a sports team. Through sports, local kids are transformed into international heroes. Sports give us something to count on. Something positive to believe in. They are all about possibilities and hard work. The last thing you want is to tame those possibilities due to content restrictions on games. Why limit yourself to your physical location when your heart lies with a foreign sports team? Find a reliable proxy provider and watch sports with proxies today.
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