Using A Tibia Proxy To Get The Most Out Of The Game

I have been playing a lot of Fall Guys lately. It’s a game where you compete with 59 other players in a collection of minigames. For most games, the bottom 1/3 or 1/4 gets eliminated. By the end, there is one person left standing. It has exploded in popularity recently, and though the game servers are under heavy load, the game runs relatively smoothly. That is great news for the game because even a slight problem with lag could have crippled the experience. To not know where you and the other players are on the game server would be devastating. It would be impossible to know if you were about to be pushed off a platform or get your tail stolen. Fall Guys is not alone in this idea. It is hard to think of an online game that would not be ruined by lag. Tibia is a popular MMORPG that has withstood the test of time. Having launched in 1997, it is easily one of the oldest MMORPGs still running today. Even with simpler pixel graphics and an interface that still uses text-based commands, it still sees its share of popularity today. Just like with every other online game, Tibia players can run into problems with latency and blocks. Luckily, we can always use a Tibia proxy to help. Navigate this article using the table of contents below.

The Problem with Tibia Lag

The Problem with Tibia Lag

The last thing you want to encounter in any video game is lag. This is especially true with MMORPGs with PVP. You do not want to hit a high latency when you are testing out your gear against other players. And since Tibia is known for having unforgiving penalties for death. The lag exists data has to travel to be displayed on your computer. Even though it moves faster than we can comprehend, it still follows the same rules as everything else. It takes longer to travel further. That is why we can see more lag in playing some games versus others. If the game servers are geographically far from you, then the information takes longer to go back and forth. The good news is that you can reduce lag with a proxy. You can choose where your Tibia Tunnel proxy physically exists. If your proxy service has locations across the world, they likely have one that is closer to the game’s servers than you are. For that, the data only has to travel from their servers to the proxy. Cutting the distance that the data needs to travel saves time, and saving time limits lag.

Tibia Proxies and Region Blocks

Tibia Proxies and Region Blocks

Sometimes, web sites, games, and services are not available everywhere. It is not uncommon for a country to ban a list of different sites and services. This, of course, includes online video games. For example, China is known for having strict bans on many popular websites that the rest of the world takes for granted. In international travel, you might run into a similar issue with Tibia. However, using a Tibia tunnel proxy can help get around those blocks. The best Tibia proxy services get around region blocks the same way it limits lag. You can decide where your proxy is. This makes it look like a connection somewhere else in the world is accessing the game. When that happens, there seems to be no reason to block the connection. Regionally, it looks like you are only accessing your proxy. The result is unrestrained access to Tibia. You can never know for sure if a different country might block access to a game for whatever reason. That is why it is a good idea to make sure your proxy has proxies available in several countries.

IP Bans

Sometimes, a block or ban happens that has nothing to do with location. Before describing this further, we want to point out something. Before you use a proxy, you should read the terms of use for any website or online service you plan to use it with. There is another way some people have used proxies in regards to gaming. Some actions in games, specifically ones that violate the terms of use agreement, can lead to a ban. On rare occasions, the violation was either an unintentional goof or a misunderstanding. Even a player experiencing extremely lucky RNG could seem to be hacking the game. The good news is that, usually, an account may get suspended for a few days on the first offense. On more extreme occasions, some game services may not only deactivate the account, but they can also block the IP address. This is commonly reserved for blatant disregard for the rules or extreme griefing. In those cases, some people have used proxies to get around the IP block. Given, the account is likely still going to be deactivated for good, leading the owner to start the game from scratch.

What to Look for in a Tibia Proxy

What to Look for in a Tibia Proxy

One of the first qualities to look for in your Tibia proxy services is one that offers proxies all over the world. You want access to multiple countries in case another country finds a reason to block the game. Also, keep in mind that Tibia has game servers in multiple countries. To make sure you have the best experience with the game, you need to have a proxy that has locations near those servers. Pay attention to where Tibia houses its servers, especially if you know which servers you are interested in. Then, match those places with different proxy services. Any legitimate proxy service will offer a map or list of where all you can house your proxies. After this, you want to make sure the proxy is fast and can handle the load of online gaming. Because of that, do not settle for speeds less than 1 Gbps. And find Tibia proxies with unmetered bandwidth. Online gaming can be pretty demanding on a network, even if it is lower on the graphics. It is difficult to predict exactly how much bandwidth you need. Regardless, it is best to not even have to think about bandwidth. The peace of mind of having unlimited bandwidth is worth it, especially since this is a feature you can have without forking over large sums of cash. From there, it is all about reputation. You want to make sure your connection is private, secure, fast, and consistently up. Do not only take the proxy service for its word. Take the time to look at some reviews and ratings from users. That is the only way to get the most unbiased analysis of a proxy service possible.

How to Use It

Once you have the proxy, how do you use it with Tibia? The answer here is very simple. Your proxy provider will provide you with instructions on how to start Tibia with a proxy. All you have to do is follow the steps. It is not uncommon to see two different proxies with two different ways to set it up. Usually, the steps will involve going into the configuration settings of your proxy, navigating to a setup menu, and specifying the program file you want to run through the proxy.

The Best Proxy for Tibia

The Best Proxy for Tibia

So, where can you find the best Tibia proxy services? Consider the list of features above. When it comes to your proxy’s location, keep in mind that Tibia has many game servers. The game has more than 60 servers spread evenly across Europe, North America, and South America. Within each region, there are different locations for each server as well as different types of rules. One example is PVP servers vs. PVE servers. So the best proxy location depends on which Tibia server you are using. This can open up more options for your gameplay. If your friends are congregating on a particular server, you can use a proxy that’s close by. Also, if you are wanting to avoid or participate in peak times on local servers, you can play on a game server halfway across the world without struggling with lag. Make sure to search for Tibia proxies that can reach those goals. On top of that, look into services that offer 24/7 customer support. You never know when you have questions or need help troubleshooting something. When you are looking for a proxy that checks all of these boxes, look no further than Rayobyte. When you need to use a proxy to get the most out of Tibia, you can trust our team. Feel free to browse our proxies and find the package that works for you.

Final Thoughts

When online gaming, you cannot limit yourself with lag and region blocks. That is why you need to always have access to the best Tibia proxy. Always having your proxy around means you will not be caught unprepared for potential issues. You can be ready for times when the game servers are under heavy load or when you need to travel abroad. Keeping your proxy in your back pocket means you have less risk of suffering those death penalties and losing your gear and experience.

The information contained within this article, including information posted by official staff, guest-submitted material, message board postings, or other third-party material is presented solely for the purposes of education and furtherance of the knowledge of the reader. All trademarks used in this publication are hereby acknowledged as the property of their respective owners.

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