Get To Know Taylor Fleeman

technical director of rayobyte

Meet Taylor Fleeman, Rayobyte’ Technical Director. Taylor manages our technical team while providing oversight for all implementations, issues features and more! Additionally, Taylor works with all business operations to ensure that our software monitoring, network and security are all staying on track. He handles high-value clients to confirm that our services are performing at or above expectations. Taylor provides valuable knowledge and feedback to help with necessary business expansion and decisions, making him a very important and valued team member at Rayobyte. Get to know Taylor more by reading his employee spotlight below!

What was your journey to joining Rayobyte?

Neil and I met at university in my second year and didn’t look back. We collaborated on many projects throughout that time, even building a robotic bartender that could make you up the best tasting whiskey and Coke you’ve ever had. After graduating I went into software development, specializing in QA automation. I was at that job for 2 years, spending one of those years up in Toronto, Canada on a development contract for the AT&T TV NOW application. While up there, Neil had been asking me to come work for Rayobyte for a while and after that year, I made the leap! It’s been the most rewarding career decision of my life so far.

What is your role at Rayobyte and what are some of the most interesting aspects of your role?

I’m the Technical Director at Rayobyte and I love it. The most interesting aspect of my job is being able to see and work with our amazingly talented team of developers and engineers. These guys know multiple coding languages and are able to explain technical intricacies of our system to me in a way that I can understand. I love to learn new things, so having these guys around to help me with that process is great. I knew nothing about proxies, scraping, or even how to build/host a website before working here and now I have a pretty good grasp on all 3.

What are you most excited for as you grow in your role as Rayobyte?

I would really like to grow in my role as a Product Owner. I’ve not been exposed to much of the marketing and sales processes on a product line, especially one that isn’t well-established, so everything that I’m doing right now is a learning experience for me. I’m learning how to talk with clients and better get insights from them when they may not be so forthcoming with information. More broadly, I’d love to work more on our technical processes and audits.

What inspires you?

The hard work and potential of our team. I witnessed first hand, our team build a product from a few documents into this massive system that can support hundreds of WordPress sites in just 9 months time. That is absolutely unreal to me. When you’re working day in and day out on a project of that size, it can feel like it is dragging on forever and ever and like you’d never get a finished product out the door. But looking back on it, 9 months is an extremely short period of time to build a usable platform of this size and that can support many customers. I have little doubts that our team can accomplish anything we set out to do and will fight through the bumps in the road to make any product great!

What do you like to do in your free time?

I really enjoy spending time with my friends, going out to bars, going to music festivals, being on the lake or in the mountains and playing with my two dogs, Griffey and Oakley!

What is an interesting fact about you?

I have 8 younger siblings. I’m 28 and the youngest sibling is 11 years old.  Bonus fact: I lived in Toronto, Canada for one year.

Which character from the TV shows The Office or Friends, best describes your personality?

I’d probably say Michael Scott with a little less outgoing personality. I really enjoy the management position I’m in and interacting with people on a day-to-day basis. I enjoy getting to know and befriend my coworkers and working in a place that really feels more like a family than a workplace. I’m always a pretty upbeat and friendly person(or I like to think so) and I love parties 🙂

What is your most frequently used emoji in Slack?

Definitely the thumbs up or OK hand signal

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    Kick-Ass Proxies That Work For Anyone

    Rayobyte is America's #1 proxy provider, proudly offering support to companies of any size using proxies for any ethical use case. Our web scraping tools are second to none and easy for anyone to use.

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