How To Beat Sneaker Bots When Everyone Else Is Using Them
While some people use sneaker bots to cop sneakers, others don’t want to use them. Maybe they don’t like the unfair advantage they give or they don’t want to spend the money on an expensive bot. Considering that, how do you beat sneaker bots? If you want to get all of the sneakers that you want without using bots, you need to know how to beat sneaker bots. There are several steps involved in the strategy. Skipping a step could prevent you from copping a large number of sneakers. With that in mind, follow the steps so you can leave the bots in your dust.
How to Beat the Sneaker Bots: Get a Sneaker Proxy

Some people think that if you don’t use a bot, you don’t need a proxy, but that isn’t true. If you want to buy a large number of sneakers, you are going to need a proxy. Otherwise, you will have to follow the limits imposed by the sneaker sites. That might mean you are only able to get a single pair of sneakers. It is critical that you buy a proxy that was specifically made for copping sneakers. Sneaker proxies are located near the sneaker sites’ datacenters so you won’t have to worry about long lag times slowing you down. Instead, you will be able to jump right in and start buying sneakers. It is also a good idea to buy a large number of proxies. Don’t make the mistake of going with a single proxy. You need to buy a lot of proxies so you can assign each one to a different account. Then, you will be able to add sneakers to your shopping cart and check out without any issues.
How to Cop Shoes from Regional Websites

You know that sneaker fly off the big retailers’ virtual shelves. That is why it is so hard to buy sneakers from Adidas and Finish Line. Lots of people use bots on the big sites to try to keep up. You can avoid this issue by going with a smaller retailer. These retailers are often overlooked, but they have some of the biggest releases out there. Check out some regional chains when you cop your sneakers. You’ll have less competition, so it will make it much easier to get the sneakers you want without using a bot. That doesn’t mean you have to stay away from the big chains completely, but you should at least give the regional stores a try. You might be pleasantly surprised when you end up with lots of sneakers from the regional stores. Plus, you’ll help the local economy, as well. The local stores will certainly be happy with the influx of cash.
How to get Sneakers Early

Many people don’t realize that some sneaker sites don’t place a hold on items in the cart. That means that you can put something in your cart and someone else can steal it from you if you don’t check out fast enough. That is how so many bots win. They move so quickly through the checkout process that they are able to steal other people’s shoes. You need an upper hand to compete.
Use Autofill When Checking Out
It might not seem fair, but you can even the playing field by enabling autofill in Google Chrome. You don’t even need to download anything for this. It is built into the browser and it is easy to set up. Open up Chrome and go to the “Settings.” Then, click “Show Advanced Settings” and go to “Passwords and Forms.” Select “Manage Autofill Settings.” You can add your address and payment information into the autofill settings. When you enter your payment information, enter the CVC number and click “Keep a Copy of This Card on This Device.” Then, click “Verify.” If you fail to do this, you will have to verify the card every time you make a payment. It might only take a second to enter your CVC number, but that second could prevent you from getting your shoes. Remember, bots are set up so they don’t have to verify information, so you need to be set up the same way. If you don’t like the idea of storing payment information on your computer, add it the day before the launch and delete it once it is over. Then, you can add it back in for the next launch. Just don’t forget to do it or you’re going to be stressed out during the launch. You will waste a lot of time adding your address and payment information to every checkout form, and that wasted time will cost you a lot of shoes.
Stay Connected with Apps
Use the Visualping Extension
You can get some additional help copping sneakers with the Visualping extension for Google Chrome. Once you enable this extension, it will let you know every time a change is made to a site you’re watching. That way, you will find out if sneakers are suddenly available. For instance, a site might be out of sneakers, but then, someone cancels an order. Suddenly, it has sneakers available. This extension will notify you. It also lets you know when sneakers have been restocked. Then, you can jump back on your computer and buy your sneakers immediately.
Optimize Your Computer
A slow computer is going to hurt you if you’re trying to beat sneaker bots. Get rid of the bloatware on your computer so it doesn’t slow it down. Bloatware is unnecessary software that comes with your computer. For instance, you don’t need tons of games on your computer. They slow your machine down. Also, make sure that you’re using a good router and modem. You want to maximize your internet speeds. Finally, consider using a tool like CCleaner to speed up your computer. It will optimize everything so you will be able to run at full force on the day of the launch.
Conduct Practice Runs
You need to know a website inside and out if you’re going to gain insight on how to beat sneaker bots. That is why you have to conduct practice runs before the day of the launch. For example, let’s say you plan to buy some sneakers from the Foot Locker website. Start by finding out how the site handles its launches. You need to know if the site puts them on the homepage or if the site lists them with the brand. Then, go to the site and practice buying sneakers. You don’t have to actually purchase the sneakers, but you do need to go through the motions. Start by going to the page where your sneakers will be listed. Then, add them to the cart. You also need to choose the size and make your way to the checkout. Have the autofill input your payment information, but don’t submit it. It’s important that you go through the practice runs until you can practically buy the shoes in your sleep. Time yourself and watch as you get faster and faster. Once you can’t get any faster, you are ready for the launch day. You should be able to fly through the site and cop lots of sneakers.
How to Get Sneakers on Release Date: Don’t Only get Biggest Releases

If you’re trying to make money by selling sneakers, don’t make the mistake of just going after the biggest releases. Everyone wants the newest pair of Yeezys. However, for every pair of Yeezys, there are 100 smaller releases. Get your hands on some of the smaller releases so you can turn around and sell them. These releases also sell out, but it is easier to get your hands on them. You won’t have to fight off as many bots, so it will be a lot less stressful. Then, you can graduate up to the bigger releases later, when you have some practice under your belt. This will make it easier for you to take on the bots. Also, never forget about proxies. A good quality proxy with the right speeds, locations, and reliability can be the difference in landing a new pair of sneakers or not. Do not settle for anything short of the best proxies on the internet. Rayobyte’s rotating residential and ISP proxies offer fast, reliable, and secure private proxies for all your sneaker copping needs.
Final Thoughts
You don’t have to give in and use sneaker bots. You do have to be patient and find the strategy that works for you, though. Incorporate these different tips into your sneaker copping strategy so you push back while knowing how to beat sneaker bots. You might not win every time, but you should have a great deal of success. Then, you can let everyone know that you did it by yourself, without the help of a bot.
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