Free IP Lookup

Find your IP address, location, and ISP information instantly with our free IP lookup tool. (API included!)
Find your IP Address
Find Your IP Address and Location
Use our free IP lookup tool to discover your IP address location, including country, city, and ISP details. Whether you’re searching for "what is my IP location" or simply curious about the location of your IP address, our IP locator provides quick, accurate results. Go to the tool page now!
How It Works
Our IP address locator gives you a clear breakdown of your IP for location, including geolocation data and associated company details. Use it to understand your IP address and location instantly.
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#1 Personal Finance Tracker
Instant IP & Location Details
Quickly find your IP address and location without any hassle.
See What Others See
Understand what information your IP address reveals about you.
Free & Easy to Use
Fast, free access to all your IP location details in one place.
Protect Your Privacy with a Proxy
After using our IP location finder, take control of your privacy by masking your IP with a proxy—ensuring your real IP location stays hidden. See all of our proxy products.

Look Up Your IP Now

Find your IP address and location instantly. No sign-up, no fees—just accurate results when you need them
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Example output:
  "ipVersion": 4,
  "ipAddress": "",
  "latitude": -27.467541,
  "longitude": 153.028091,
  "countryName": "Australia",
  "countryCode": "AU",
  "timeZone": "+10:00",
  "zipCode": "4000",
  "cityName": "Brisbane",
  "regionName": "Queensland",
  "isProxy": false,
  "continent": "Oceania",
  "continentCode": "OC",
  "currency": {
    "code": "AUD",
    "name": "Australian Dollar"
  "language": "English",
  "timeZones": [
  "tlds": [

Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? Contact us here so we can help.
How will this tool help me?

When using proxies, you are ultimately trying to mask your IP address and location. This tool will help you make sure that your software is correctly applying your proxy settings.

What is the rate limit for the API?

You may send up to 1 req/s to the API. If you need more, please contact Support.