Your proxy or server location matters because of latency, or the time it takes a website visitor to connect to a web server. If your proxy is hosted in one city or region but your server is hosted in another, your connection might experience lag, which will affect both the speed and efficiency of your bot. That’s why we offer some of the most sought after US city locations like New York City, Los Angeles and Ashburn.
Our proxies can be used for almost anything. Including ecommerce web scraping, SEO monitoring, advertising verification, market research, travel data aggregation, price tracking, review monitoring, social media scraping, non-profit data collection, cybersecurity, brand protection and more. You can read our proxy use case page here. If you don’t see your use case above don’t worry! Reach out to our team.
Yes! You can read more about our proxy reselling process here.
Our monitoring system has and continues to be trained on thousands of different proxies over our years in operation. Meaning we know what to look for and so does our team of talented engineers, who are standing by to fix any issues that might come up. Our infrastructure is located in almost a dozen different data centers and our machines handle a ton of throughput a month.
It depends on the type of proxies you buy. Our ISP and data center proxies are delivered immediately. Our residential proxies are delivered as soon as you complete our residential proxy vetting process – usually not more than a day or two. You can read more about our residential vetting process.
If you can’t find your question above, reach out to us. We also have a knowledge base, a blog on everything proxies, a Twitter account, and a YouTube channel.