Roi Garrett
Roi Garrett replied to the discussion How do websites prevent web scraping, and how can you handle these barriers? in the forum General Web Scraping 2 months ago
How do websites prevent web scraping, and how can you handle these barriers?
I’ve found that rotating IP addresses is one of the most effective ways to handle rate limiting. Services like proxy providers can make this easier, but they come with additional costs.
Roi Garrett replied to the discussion How to scrape movie ratings and reviews from RottenTomatoes.com using Python? in the forum General Web Scraping 2 months ago
How to scrape movie ratings and reviews from RottenTomatoes.com using Python?
To enhance the scraper, you can add functionality to handle pagination. Audience reviews on RottenTomatoes are often split across multiple pages, and fetching all reviews requires following the “Next” button. Using Selenium, you can simulate clicking the button and scrape additional pages until all reviews are collected. Adding delays between…
Roi Garrett replied to the discussion Compare PHP and Node.js for scraping hotel details on Booking.com UAE in the forum General Web Scraping 2 months ago
Compare PHP and Node.js for scraping hotel details on Booking.com UAE
PHP is simple to set up and works well for parsing static HTML with its built-in DOMDocument. However, it struggles with dynamically loaded content, requiring additional tools or API integration.
Roi Garrett changed their photo 2 months ago
Roi Garrett became a registered member 2 months ago