Riaz Lea
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion How to scrape real-time stock prices from a financial website? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
How to scrape real-time stock prices from a financial website?
Sometimes, stock data is hidden in WebSocket responses. Monitoring network traffic in the browser can reveal the WebSocket connections and the data they transmit.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion What data can be scraped from Yelp.com using Ruby? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
What data can be scraped from Yelp.com using Ruby?
Using proxies and user-agent rotation helps avoid detection by Yelp’s anti-scraping mechanisms. Repeated requests from the same IP address or browser signature increase the likelihood of being flagged. Rotating these attributes and introducing random delays reduces this risk. These measures are essential for large-scale scraping projects.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion How to scrape job postings from Upwork.com using Python? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
How to scrape job postings from Upwork.com using Python?
Using rotating proxies and randomizing user-agent headers helps avoid detection by Upwork’s anti-scraping mechanisms. Sending multiple requests from the same IP address or browser signature increases the risk of being flagged. Proxies distribute requests across different IPs, while rotating headers mimic real users by simulating various browsers…
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion How do you scrape data from websites with infinite scrolling? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
How do you scrape data from websites with infinite scrolling?
One trick I’ve used is to set a limit on the number of scrolls. This ensures that my scraper doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop if the site keeps loading data endlessly.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion How to scrape restaurant menus and prices from online food delivery platforms? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
How to scrape restaurant menus and prices from online food delivery platforms?
To avoid detection, I randomize headers and request intervals. Mimicking real user behavior helps bypass anti-scraping measures.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion Scraping prices and availability from travel booking websites in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
Scraping prices and availability from travel booking websites
Storing scraped travel data in a database allows me to analyze trends over time, such as price fluctuations or seasonal availability changes.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion How to scrape product availability from an e-commerce website? in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
How to scrape product availability from an e-commerce website?
To avoid being flagged, I randomize request intervals and rotate proxies. These small adjustments make my scraper less detectable.
Riaz Lea replied to the discussion Scraping car listings with prices using Node.js and Cheerio in the forum General Web Scraping 8 weeks ago
Scraping car listings with prices using Node.js and Cheerio
To improve efficiency, I save the scraped data directly into a database, which allows for easier querying and avoids re-scraping the same data repeatedly.
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Riaz Lea became a registered member 8 weeks ago