Keti Dilnaz
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion How to scrape product images from an online store? in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
How to scrape product images from an online store?
To avoid storing duplicate images, I check for existing files before saving new ones. This reduces redundancy and saves storage space.
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion How can you extract movie titles and ratings from a streaming site? in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
How can you extract movie titles and ratings from a streaming site?
For handling dynamic content, Puppeteer works better than Selenium due to its faster execution and support for headless browsers.
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion Extracting author names and publication dates from blog articles in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
Extracting author names and publication dates from blog articles
For dynamic blogs, I prefer Puppeteer because it ensures all JavaScript-rendered content, including author names and dates, is fully loaded before scraping.
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion How do you scrape sports scores from a live scoreboard website? in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
How do you scrape sports scores from a live scoreboard website?
Adding time-based intervals to capture updates ensures that I can collect scores periodically without overwhelming the server or missing key events.
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion How to scrape real estate listings from property websites? in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
How to scrape real estate listings from property websites?
To store the scraped data efficiently, I use a relational database like PostgreSQL. This makes it easy to query and analyze real estate trends.
Keti Dilnaz replied to the discussion How to scrape job listings from a recruitment website? in the forum General Web Scraping 7 weeks ago
How to scrape job listings from a recruitment website?
Storing job listings in a structured database allows me to track trends over time and makes the data easy to analyze and filter.
Keti Dilnaz changed their photo 7 weeks ago
Keti Dilnaz became a registered member 7 weeks ago