Julia Karthika
Julia Karthika replied to the discussion How to scrape movie ratings and reviews from RottenTomatoes.com using Python? in the forum General Web Scraping 2 months ago
How to scrape movie ratings and reviews from RottenTomatoes.com using Python?
Storing the scraped data in a database like MongoDB or MySQL allows for efficient data management. For example, you can run queries to find the most-reviewed movies or calculate the average audience score for a specific genre. Structured storage also makes it easier to visualize the data using tools like Tableau or Matplotlib, providing…
Julia Karthika started the discussion How to scrape sports equipment prices from Decathlon.fr using Java? in the forum General Web Scraping 2 months ago
How to scrape sports equipment prices from Decathlon.fr using Java?
Scraping sports equipment prices from Decathlon.fr using Java can provide valuable insights into the pricing and availability of a wide variety of products, including fitness equipment, sportswear, and outdoor gear. Decathlon is one of the leading sports retailers in Europe, offering an extensive catalog that makes it an ideal source for…
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Julia Karthika became a registered member 2 months ago