Javed Roland
Javed Roland replied to the discussion Scrape product availability from Otto Germany using Python in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
Scrape product availability from Otto Germany using Python
An enhancement to the script could include scraping availability for multiple products by iterating through a list of product URLs. This would make the scraper more versatile for analyzing stock levels across a category of products.
Javed Roland replied to the discussion Use Node.js to scrape seller ratings from JD.com product pages in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
Use Node.js to scrape seller ratings from JD.com product pages
Integrating a feature to handle location-specific seller ratings would enhance the script. JD.com may show different ratings or policies depending on the buyer’s region, so simulating location-based inputs would provide more accurate data.
Javed Roland started the discussion How to scrape product reviews from Etsy.com using Python? in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
How to scrape product reviews from Etsy.com using Python?
Scraping product reviews from Etsy.com is a valuable way to analyze customer sentiment, product popularity, and review trends. Python is an excellent tool for extracting such data, using libraries like requests and BeautifulSoup for static pages or Selenium for dynamically rendered content. Etsy organizes its reviews into structured sections…
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