Abidan Grete
Abidan Grete replied to the discussion Extract top deals, shipping costs, and ratings from John Lewis UK using Go in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
Extract top deals, shipping costs, and ratings from John Lewis UK using Go
The script could be enhanced by adding pagination support to scrape all deals across multiple pages. This can be achieved by using Colly’s OnHTML callback to extract the “Next Page” link and visiting it recursively.
Abidan Grete replied to the discussion Scrape product reviews, pricing, and categories from Currys UK with Python in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
Scrape product reviews, pricing, and categories from Currys UK with Python
Another improvement would be to implement pagination for extracting reviews. The current implementation only scrapes the first page of reviews. Adding a loop to navigate through all pages of reviews would ensure a more comprehensive data set.
Abidan Grete started the discussion Scrape delivery times from Empik Poland using Node.js in the forum General Web Scraping 5 weeks ago
Scrape delivery times from Empik Poland using Node.js
Empik is one of Poland’s largest e-commerce platforms, offering a wide range of books, electronics, and lifestyle products. Scraping delivery times from Empik requires handling dynamic content since delivery estimates are often generated based on the customer’s location or stock availability. Using Node.js and Puppeteer, we can load the…
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