News Feed Forums General Web Scraping What product data can I extract from using Ruby?

  • What product data can I extract from using Ruby?

    Posted by Julia Vena on 12/21/2024 at 6:15 am

    Scraping product data from using Ruby allows you to collect information such as product names, prices, and availability for popular video games, consoles, and accessories. GameStop’s extensive inventory makes it a valuable resource for analyzing gaming trends, pricing strategies, and product availability. Using Ruby’s libraries, you can develop a scraper to automate the extraction process, ensuring accurate and efficient data collection. The first step is to inspect GameStop’s website to locate the HTML elements that contain relevant information.
    Once the HTML structure is identified, you can use Ruby to send HTTP requests to GameStop’s product pages and parse the returned HTML. Automating navigation through multiple pages ensures that all product listings are captured. Random delays between requests reduce the risk of detection and ensure compliance with anti-scraping measures. Below is an example Ruby script for scraping product details from GameStop.

    require 'open-uri'
    require 'nokogiri'
    url = ""
    html =
    doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
    doc.css('.product-card').each do |product|
      name = product.css('.product-title').text.strip rescue 'Name not available'
      price = product.css('.product-price').text.strip rescue 'Price not available'
      availability = product.css('.availability').text.strip rescue 'Availability not available'
      puts "Product: #{name}, Price: #{price}, Availability: #{availability}"

    This script fetches GameStop’s product page and extracts product names, prices, and availability information. Handling pagination allows the scraper to navigate through multiple pages and collect a complete dataset. Adding random delays between requests reduces the risk of detection and ensures smooth operation.

    Arushi Otto replied 2 weeks, 1 day ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Adalgard Darrel

    12/30/2024 at 11:13 am

    Adding pagination functionality to the GameStop scraper ensures a complete dataset is collected. Products are often distributed across multiple pages, and automating navigation through “Next” buttons allows for comprehensive data collection. Random delays between requests mimic human browsing behavior, reducing the risk of detection. With proper pagination handling, the scraper becomes more effective for analyzing product trends and pricing. This functionality is particularly useful for gathering data across different gaming categories.

  • Arushi Otto

    01/15/2025 at 1:40 pm

    Error handling ensures the scraper remains reliable even if GameStop updates its website layout. Missing elements, such as product prices or availability, can cause the scraper to fail without proper checks. Adding conditional statements to skip problematic entries ensures the script continues running smoothly. Logging skipped entries provides insights into potential issues and helps refine the scraper over time. Regular updates to the script ensure it remains functional despite changes to GameStop’s website.

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