News Feed Forums General Web Scraping What details can I scrape from hotel listings using Ruby?

  • What details can I scrape from hotel listings using Ruby?

    Posted by Todor Pavel on 12/20/2024 at 10:58 am

    Scraping hotel listings from using Ruby allows you to extract information such as hotel names, prices, and availability. Ruby’s open-uri library for HTTP requests and nokogiri for parsing HTML makes the scraping process straightforward. Below is a sample script for scraping hotel information from EconoLodge.

    require 'open-uri'
    require 'nokogiri'
    # Target URL
    url = ""
    html =
    # Parse HTML
    doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
    # Extract hotel details
    doc.css('.hotel-card').each do |hotel|
      name = hotel.css('.hotel-name').text.strip rescue 'Name not available'
      price = hotel.css('.price').text.strip rescue 'Price not available'
      location = hotel.css('.location').text.strip rescue 'Location not available'
      puts "Name: #{name}, Price: #{price}, Location: #{location}"

    This script fetches the EconoLodge hotel listings page and extracts details such as hotel names, prices, and locations. Pagination can be handled by identifying the “Next” button and scraping additional pages. Adding random delays between requests prevents detection and ensures smooth operation.

    Sandip Laxmi replied 1 month, 3 weeks ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Pranay Hannibal

    12/26/2024 at 7:01 am

    Adding pagination handling allows the scraper to collect hotel data across all available pages. EconoLodge typically lists hotels over multiple pages, so automating navigation through “Next” buttons ensures a complete dataset. Introducing random delays between requests mimics human behavior and reduces the risk of being flagged. With pagination, the scraper becomes more effective for gathering comprehensive hotel data.

  • Sandip Laxmi

    01/07/2025 at 7:09 am

    Error handling ensures the scraper remains robust even if EconoLodge updates its page structure. Missing elements like prices or locations could cause the scraper to fail without proper checks. Conditional checks for null values prevent runtime errors and allow the scraper to skip problematic listings. Logging skipped hotels helps refine the script and improve its reliability. Regular updates ensure the scraper continues to function effectively over time.

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