News Feed Forums General Web Scraping What data can be scraped from using Ruby?

  • What data can be scraped from using Ruby?

    Posted by Salma Dominique on 12/20/2024 at 8:11 am

    Scraping using Ruby allows you to collect valuable business information such as names, ratings, locations, and reviews. Ruby’s open-uri for HTTP requests and nokogiri for parsing HTML provide a straightforward way to extract this data. By targeting Yelp’s search pages, you can gather data from multiple businesses in a specific category or location. Below is an example script for scraping business information from Yelp.

    require 'open-uri'
    require 'nokogiri'
    # Target URL
    url = ''
    html =
    # Parse HTML
    doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
    # Extract business details
    doc.css('.container__09f24__21w3G').each do |business|
      name = business.css('.css-1egxyvc').text.strip rescue 'Name not available'
      rating = business.css('.i-stars__09f24__1T6rz').attr('aria-label')&.value rescue 'Rating not available'
      address = business.css('.css-e81eai').text.strip rescue 'Address not available'
      puts "Name: #{name}, Rating: #{rating}, Address: #{address}"

    This script fetches a Yelp search results page, parses the HTML using Nokogiri, and extracts business names, ratings, and addresses. Handling pagination to navigate through multiple pages ensures a more complete dataset. Adding delays between requests helps avoid detection by Yelp’s anti-scraping mechanisms.

    Salma Dominique replied 2 days, 10 hours ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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