How to scrape electronics prices from Euronics.de using JavaScript?
Scraping electronics prices from Euronics.de using JavaScript allows you to gather data on gadgets, appliances, and accessories. Euronics is a well-known electronics retailer in Germany, making it a great source for tracking pricing trends and analyzing market offerings. Using Node.js with Puppeteer, you can automate browser interactions to handle dynamic content and extract relevant product details. The first step involves inspecting the HTML structure to locate elements containing the desired data, such as product names and prices.
Pagination is crucial when dealing with extensive catalogs, as Euronics distributes products across multiple pages. Automating navigation ensures that all listings are captured for a comprehensive dataset. Adding random delays between requests reduces the risk of detection and ensures smoother operations. Once collected, the data can be saved in structured formats like CSV for further analysis. Below is a Node.js example script for scraping Euronics.de.const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); (async () => { const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true }); const page = await browser.newPage(); const url = 'https://www.euronics.de/'; await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' }); const products = await page.evaluate(() => { const productList = []; const items = document.querySelectorAll('.product-card'); items.forEach(item => { const name = item.querySelector('.product-name')?.textContent.trim() || 'Name not available'; const price = item.querySelector('.product-price')?.textContent.trim() || 'Price not available'; productList.push({ name, price }); }); return productList; }); console.log(products); await browser.close(); })();
This script extracts product names and prices from Euronics.de. Pagination handling ensures a complete dataset is collected. Adding random delays between requests prevents detection, ensuring smoother operations.
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